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The closer together the contour lines are, means a rapid change in elevation (so a steep hill, for example). If they are touching, then that would indicate something like a cliff, or sharp dropoff.

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On a map, when contour lines are shown on top of each other, it indicates a steep slope or a cliff where the elevation changes quickly over a short distance. This area often represents a rugged or difficult terrain for navigation.

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Q: What is found on the surface area where contour lines are shown on top of each other?
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Use contour lines to show the landform for plateau?

Contour lines that are evenly spaced and parallel indicate a plateau. The closer the contour lines are to each other, the steeper the terrain; the farther apart they are, the flatter the land. In the case of a plateau, contour lines would likely be spaced evenly and relatively close together, indicating a flat or gently sloping landform.

How does a contour tour map show whether a slope is gently or steep?

If the contour lines are far apart, then that indicates the land has a gentle slope (low slope).

How is a contour line different from a contour interval?

A contour line represents a specific elevation on a map, connecting points of equal elevation. A contour interval is the difference in elevation between two adjacent contour lines on a map. In other words, the contour interval specifies the vertical distance between contour lines.

How Do Topographic Maps Differ From Relief Maps?

Topographic maps show elevation contours and detailed features of the Earth's surface, while relief maps emphasize the three-dimensional topography with exaggerated vertical scale to emphasize elevation changes. Relief maps provide a more visual and tangible representation of the terrain, while topographic maps are more focused on exact measurements and details.

Very tight contour lines is?

indicative of steep terrain. The closer the contour lines are together, the steeper the slope of the land. This pattern suggests a rapid change in elevation over a short distance.

Related questions

How does index contour lines differ from other contour lines?

Index contour lines are thicker and usually have their elevation labeled. They help users quickly identify key elevations on a topographic map. In contrast, regular contour lines show the shape and elevation of the land but do not have specific labels.

How do contour lines show steep and gentle?

Contour lines are lines that join up points on a map that represent points on Earth's surface that have equal height. The distance between the contour lines gives an indication of how much the height changes over a horizontal distance. In other words it shows you how steep or gentle the slope is.As such a steep slope will be marked by closely spaced contour lines and a more gentle slope will have more widely spaced contour lines.

How do lines show steep and gentle slopes?

Contour lines are lines that join up points on a map that represent points on Earth's surface that have equal height. The distance between the contour lines gives an indication of how much the height changes over a horizontal distance. In other words it shows you how steep or gentle the slope is.As such a steep slope will be marked by closely spaced contour lines and a more gentle slope will have more widely spaced contour lines.

Why can't two contour lines overlap?

Contour lines represent points of equal elevation on a map, so if two contour lines were to overlap, it would mean that the same point on the map has two different elevations, which is not physically possible. Each contour line must represent a single unique elevation value to accurately depict the terrain's topography.

What is the difference between a contour interval and an index contour?

A contour interval is the vertical distance between two contour lines on a map, representing the change in elevation. An index contour is a thicker contour line labeled with the elevation of the line above sea level, typically every fifth contour line. It helps users quickly identify elevation values on a map.

How must contour lines bend to indicate a stream valley?

contour lines bend in a V shape pointing uphill because it flows the other direction

What are two things that contour lines cannot do?

Contour lines can never touch each other, and they can never just stop, they have tonot go off the page or connect.

How can you show height on a map other that with contour lines?

shading, numbers

How does a contour tour map show whether a slope is gently or steep?

If the contour lines are far apart, then that indicates the land has a gentle slope (low slope).

What are the characteristics of contour?

One of the characteristics of contour is that the variation of the vertical distance between any of the two contour lines are usually assumed to be uniform. The other characteristic is that all the points on a contour line are of the same elevation.

How Do Topographic Maps Differ From Relief Maps?

Topographic maps show elevation contours and detailed features of the Earth's surface, while relief maps emphasize the three-dimensional topography with exaggerated vertical scale to emphasize elevation changes. Relief maps provide a more visual and tangible representation of the terrain, while topographic maps are more focused on exact measurements and details.

What is a gentle slope?

When the contour lines are farther apart, this means that the slopes between them are gentle. On the other side, if the contour interval is smaller, the slope will be steep.