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They are long strands of DNA when unraveled are over a meter long.

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14y ago
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9mo ago

Having two chromosomes of each pair is called diploid. In humans, diploid cells have 46 chromosomes, organized in 23 pairs where one chromosome from each pair is inherited from each parent.

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11y ago

You have 23 pairs of chromosome as a human. In each pair, you have one from your mother and one from your dad. All of your genes are on these.

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10y ago

This is called diploidy.

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12y ago

you would call it sister chromatids

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Q: What is having two chromosomes of each pair?
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What is the term for having two chromosomes of each pair- Normal body cells?

Diploid is the term for cells that contain two chromosomes of each pair. Euploid is a term meaning normal body cells.

What is a group of two chromosomes?

A pair of two chromosomes is called a homologous pair. Homologous chromosomes carry similar genes and are inherited from each parent. They play a key role in genetic inheritance and genetic variability.

Do normal body cells typically have two chromosomes of each pair?

Yes, normal body cells typically have two chromosomes of each pair, one inherited from each parent.

The two chromosomes in each matching pair in a karyotype are?

The two chromosomes in each matching pair in a karyotype are homologous chromosomes. These homologous chromosomes carry genes for the same traits at the same loci. One chromosome in the pair is inherited from the mother and the other from the father.

What is a cell containing two of each possible pair of chromosomes?

A cell containing two of each possible pair of chromosomes is called a diploid cell. In humans, diploid cells have a total of 46 chromosomes, with 23 pairs of chromosomes – one set inherited from each parent. These cells are found in the majority of the body's tissues.

If both members of a pair of chromosomes are present in the cell the condition of the chromosomes is said to be?

If both members of a pair of chromosomes are present in the cell, the condition of the chromosomes is said to be diploid. Diploid cells have two sets of chromosomes, one set derived from each parent.

What is the last pair of human chromosomes?

The last pair? Those are the losers. No, seriously, you're probably asking about the sex chromosomes. The X and Y chromosomes. All the others are numbered. 1-22 plus the sex chromosomes makes 23 pairs or 46 total chromosomes in humans.

What are pair of similar chromosomes called?

HomologousWe receive one complete set of chromosomes from each parent. This means that for each chromosome, say chromosome 7, there are two copies in every cell of our bodies: the maternal and paternal copies of chromosome 7.The two copies of one chromosome are called a pair of homologous chromosomes.

Having two chromosomes of each pair-normal body cells?

This describes a diploid cell, which is the normal state for body cells in humans. In diploid cells, there are two sets of chromosomes, one set inherited from each parent, which allows for genetic diversity and proper functioning of the organism.

Traits are determined by pairs of genes called?

Traits are determined by pairs of genes called alleles. Each gene in a pair can have different variations (alleles) that can influence the expression of a trait in an individual.

Word describing the two chromosomes in a pair that have genes that code for the same traits?

Homologous chromosomes carry genes for the same traits at corresponding loci. They are similar in size and shape and are inherited from each parent.

Can you compare the chromosomes of diploid cell to a shoe closet?

Certainly! Think of a diploid cell as a shoe closet with pairs of shoes. Each pair represents homologous chromosomes carrying similar genetic information. Just like you have two of each shoe in a pair, a diploid cell has two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent.