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1/3 acre

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Q: What is next size up from quarter acre?
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Related questions

How square meters makes up a quarter acre?

1/4 acre is 1,011.72 square meters.

How big are wildfires?

Wildfires vary in size. They can be 1 acre up to hundreds of acres in size.

How many lots make up an acre of land?

It depends on the size of the lots. Out of 1 acre, you could get four 1/4-acre lots, but only 1/2 of a 2-acre lot.

What is the next size up from a bra size 28a?

The next size up, based on band size, is 30A. The next bra size up, based on cup size, is a 28B or, in some sizes, 28AA.

How do I determine the acre size within a section of land?

You can look it up on google for exact numbers but an acre is about 44000 square feet or close to a 200 by 200 foot square or a 60 by 60 meter square, to give you an idea. A square mile is 640 acres, which I think is a section, and a quarter section is 160 acres

What would the next bra size be after 30A?

In band size the next size up is 32A. However, the next size is 30B in cup sizes.

What is the next size up from a dwarf?


Who came up with how to measure an acre?

Who came up with the number for acre

What do you call a quarter of an A4 sheet of paper?

A quarter of an A4 sheet of paper is typically referred to as a quarter sheet or quarter page. It is a common measurement used in printing and design to indicate a smaller portion of a standard A4 size paper.

Use acre in a sentence?

I own over an acre of land.He was promised an acre, but ended up with a metre.

How many gallons of water does a half acre twelve foot pond hold?

A pond this size holds up to about 1,955,108 gallons of water.

Is the last notch on a bra the same as the first on the next size up?

Yes it is the same size.