I think the answer is: inhabited. And four out of ten are used for agriculture.
Monaco has a land area of approximately 0.78 square miles.
The land area of the United States is 9,857,306 square kilometers, or 3,805,927 square miles. The land area of Africa is about 30,370,000 square kilometers, or 11,730,000 square miles. So, if you divide the area of Africa by the area of the United States, you get 3.08. Thus, the US is about one third the size of Africa in terms of land area.
There's no such unit as "square acre". "Acre" is a unit of area, with 640 of themcomprising one square mile.The land area of New Mexico is 121,590 square miles, rounded to the nearest square mile.That's equal to 77,817,600 acres.
Idaho has more land space than Maine. Idaho's total area is 83,569 square miles. It includes 82,643 square miles of land. Based on total area, Idaho ranks #14 among the 50 U.S. states. Maine's total area is 35,379 square miles. It includes 30,843 square miles of land. Based on total area, Maine ranks #39 among the 50 U.S. states.
Hi there, square miles and miles are not really the same thing. Miles are a measure of distance while square miles are a measure of area. To answer your question though, for any rectangular piece of land, you can measure the distance/length of two sides in miles (start from any one corner) then multiply these two numbers together to get the total square miles in area. So: 20 miles x 30 miles = 600 square miles Or: 10 miles x 60 miles = 600 square miles etc... Regards, Peter.
Monaco has a land area of approximately 0.78 square miles.
The one in Louisiana has 269.9 square miles of land area and0.5 square mile of water area, for a total of 270.4 square miles.
Scotland has a land area of approximately 30,000 square miles, making it around one-third the size of England.
One Section of a Towship
The total land area of China is almost four million square miles. Of this, 28 percent is water. China is also one of the most populated countries with 373 people for every square mile.
Townships established by the Land Ordinance of 1785 were typically six miles square, totaling 36 square miles. Each township was further divided into 36 sections, each one mile square.
0.64 square miles got this answer off of brainly.in
Area is the extent or measurement of a surface, or piece of land. Square miles are one way of measuring area.
A quarter section of land is 160 acres, and one acre is approximately 0.0015625 square miles. Therefore, a quarter section of land is about 0.25 square miles.
The land covered exactly one square mile.I want one team of officers searching for every square mile.
The total area of Manhattan is 33.77 square miles (87.5 square kilometers). Of this, 22.96 square miles (59.5 square kilometers) is land, and 10.81 square miles (28 square kilometers) is water.
Texas' land area is approximately 261,231 square miles. Its total area is 268,596 square miles. In the United States, Texas has the second largest total area while Alaska ranks number one with a total area of 663,267 square miles.