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On the horizontal x-axis, the independent variable is typically plotted, and on the vertical y-axis, the dependent variable is plotted. The x-axis represents the input or factor that is being tested or manipulated, while the y-axis represents the output or result that is being measured or observed.

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Q: What is plotted on the horizontal x axis while distance is plotted on the vertical y axis?
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What is the difference between vertical acceleration and horizontal acceleration?

Vertical acceleration is the rate of change of velocity moving up or down, while horizontal acceleration is the rate of change of velocity moving left or right. Vertical acceleration is affected by gravity, while horizontal acceleration is typically due to external forces like friction or thrust.

What Azimuth and altitude are used to describe the star?

Azimuth is the horizontal angular distance measured clockwise from true north, while altitude is the vertical angular distance above the horizon. Together, these coordinates help locate a star's position in the sky.

Discuss the concepts of horizontal and vertical conflict as they relate to Zara?

Horizontal conflict occurs between same-level, direct competitors, while vertical conflict arises between different levels of the supply chain. In the context of Zara, horizontal conflict might involve competition with fast fashion retailers like H&M, while vertical conflict could occur between Zara and its suppliers or downstream retail partners if there are disagreements over pricing, delivery schedules, or quality standards. Zara's unique approach to vertical integration helps to minimize potential vertical conflicts by allowing greater control over its supply chain and production processes.

What is vertical and horizontal sorting?

Vertical sorting involves arranging items in a list based on their values in columns, while horizontal sorting involves arranging items in a list based on their values in rows. Both types of sorting help in organizing and analyzing data in a meaningful way.

What are some key differences between horizintal gene transfer gene transfer and vertical descent with mutation?

Horizontal gene transfer involves the transfer of genetic material between different species, while vertical descent with mutation involves the passing on of genetic material from parent to offspring within the same species. Horizontal gene transfer can lead to rapid acquisition of new traits, while vertical descent with mutation is a slower process that drives evolutionary changes over generations within a species. Horizontal gene transfer can introduce genetic diversity quickly, while vertical descent with mutation helps in maintaining genetic stability within a species.

Related questions

What is the plotted on each axis?

Anything variable that you like. If there is only one independent variable then conventionally that is plotted on the horizontal axis while other variables go on the vertical axis. But even this is not true for population pyramids.

How do the horizontal components of a projectile motion vary from the vertical components?

In projectile motion, the horizontal component of motion is constant and does not change, while the vertical component is affected by gravity causing it to accelerate downwards. This results in a parabolic path of the projectile where the horizontal distance traveled is determined by the initial velocity and angle of projection, while the vertical distance is influenced by gravity.

What two variables are plotted on the garph?

The two variables plotted on a graph depend on the type of graph being used. In a typical line graph, the y-axis (vertical) represents the dependent variable, while the x-axis (horizontal) represents the independent variable.

What does the x-axis on a graph do?

It plots the horizontal values on the x axis while the vertical values are plotted on the y axis and both axes intersect each other at 90 degrees on the Cartesian plane.

What is the meaning of vertical and horizontal?

Vertical refers to the up and down directions while horizontal refers to the left or right (across) directions.

What kind of graph do you use for time?

Most graphs use two scales: a horizontal scale and a vertical scale. What is on the scales depends on what the graph is to be used for. For example: the vertical scale could show distance travelled, while the horizontal scale could show the time.

What is the difference between horizontal and vertical motion?

Horizontal motion refers to movement along the x-axis, while vertical motion refers to movement along the y-axis. In horizontal motion, the speed and acceleration are typically constant, while in vertical motion, the influence of gravity causes changes in speed and acceleration. Both types of motion can occur simultaneously in two-dimensional motion.

How is a distance- time graph different than a speed time graph?

The variable plotted along the vertical axis is the distance in the first case, speed in the second. The gradient of (the tangent to) the distance-time graph is the speed while the area under the curve of the speed-time graph is the distance.

Is vertical up and down or left and right?

Vertical is up and down while horizontal is left and right.

What is the difference between horizontal curve and vertical curve vertical curve?

Horizontal curve is a curve viewed in the x and y plane, while a vertical curve is viewed in the y plane only, or viewed from the side. Think of it like a cake. the top is the horizontal and the front is the vertical

What kind of slope does a vertical line have?

a vertical line has an undefined slope, while a horizontal slope has a slope of zero.

Does the horizontal motion affect the vertical motion of a projectile?

No, horizontal motion does not affect the vertical motion of a projectile. The two components of motion (horizontal and vertical) are independent of each other in the absence of external forces such as air resistance. The vertical motion is governed by gravity, while the horizontal motion remains constant.