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A path a road a house a building

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8mo ago

A kilometer is shorter than a mile.

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Q: What is shorter than a mile?
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Which is longer a mile or kilimeter?

A mile is longer than a kilometer.

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Is one half of a mile slightly shorter than a kilometer?

one kilometer is 0.6 miles, so half of a mile is slightly shorter than one whole kilometer

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Is 2000 yards shorter or longer than a mile?

2,000 yards is longer than one mile because one mile is 1,760 yards.

How much longer are kilometers than miles?

Kilometre's are actually shorter than miles, 1 kilometre = 0.621371192 miles, 1 mile = 1.609344 kilometres.

What is longer than a meter but shorter than a mile?

A Kilometer (1.61 KM = 1mi)

Is square miles greater than square kilometers?

A kilometer is shorter than a mile. So a square mile is bigger than a square kilometer.

Is 101 meters longer than a mile?

No. One mile equals 1609,344 meters, so 101 meters is shorter.

How do you compare 5000 ft to 1 mile?

5,000 feet is 5.3% shorter/nearer/less than 1 mile.