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There are three elements of symmetry:

1-axis of symmetry

It's a line which cuts the molecule into two equal halves.

2-plane of symmetry

It's a plane which cuts the molecule into two equal halves (such as 'axis of symmetry' but axis is a line and here it's a plane).

3-center of symmetry

It's a point in space that, if you draw a line from any part to it, and then extend the line beyond it, another atom will be encountered.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Symmetry is a balance or harmonious arrangement of parts on either side of an axis or plane. Plane symmetry refers to symmetry in a two-dimensional plane where an object can be reflected across a line to produce an identical shape. This concept is commonly seen in objects like snowflakes or geometric figures.

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