The biggest fish ever recorded is the whale shark, which can weigh up to 40,000 pounds.
The biggest prehistoric fish found is believed to be the Leedsichthys, a giant filter-feeding fish that lived during the Jurassic period. Estimates suggest it could reach lengths of up to 27 meters (around 89 feet).
A Florida caught fish, at 8 pounds, 9 ounces.
The place with the biggest time difference with California is the Line Islands in Kiribati, which is 21 hours ahead of California time.
The biggest of all water forms is the ocean, which covers about 71% of the Earth's surface.
Japan. All they eat is fish!!!
Sharks are the biggest fish.
Japan. All they eat is fish!!!
Sharks are the biggest fish, with the whale shark being the biggest fish alive today.
It's the biggest fish of india.
The whale shark is the biggest fish in the world.
i don't know the biggest fish besides sharks and whales, but the sperm whale is the biggest whale.
the biggest fish in the world is Austin at skool 46
The biggest fish is the blue wale
You have to catch the biggest fish.
At 65 feet and 7000 pounds the whale shark is the biggest fish.
the worlds biggest is the whale shark and the smallest is the kandiru