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The metric system in universal around the world whereas the customary system is only used in the US. For this reason scientists and mathmeticians all use the metric system because it creates a sort of universal language so there is no translating.

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Q: What is the advantage of metric system from English system?
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What is the advantage and disadvantage of the metric and english system of measurement?

A advantage for the metric system is that it goes up in multiples of 10 where english goes up in multiples of 12. 12 is harder to work with and multiply and add than 10 is. But 10 is not very flexible so is harder to divide with.

What is the difference of english system to metric system?

The english system is the metric system. There is no difference.

What is the chief advantage of the metric system over the English system?

Is that in goes in factors of 10. 1,000m=1k. English is all screwed up. 5280=1 mile.

Is English system considered as a metric system?

The English system is a measurement system; in a sense it is a metric system but it is not the metric system, so I would avoid using that word to describe it.

Are inches part of the metric system or English system?

Inches are part of the English system and centimeters are part of the metric system.

Is a liter an English or Metric system?


Converting a liter in the German metric system to the English metric system?

There is only 1 metric system - a German litre equals an English litre.

Do scientists use English system or the metric system of measurement?

The metric system.

What is the advantage of the metric system of weights and measures?

It is an international standard, and it is much easier to calculate with the metric system.

What advantage does the metric sisten provide over English units of measure?

Mainly that it is an international standard. Also, calculations are easier in the metric system, because of the multiples based on powers of 10.

English metric system for measuring mass?

English: pound. Metric: kilogram.

What is the fundamental unit that is the same in the metric system and english system?

The fundamental unit that is the same in both the metric system and English system is the unit of mass, which is the pound (lb) in the English system and the kilogram (kg) in the metric system.