Australia is the 6th largest country in the world. Russia - 17,078,000 sq km Canada - 9,970,610 sq km China - 9,579,000 sq km USA - 9,363,130 sq km Brazil - 8,511,965 sq km Australia - 7,682,300 sq km India - 3,166,830 sq km Argentina - 2,777,815 sq km Kazakhstan - 2,717,300 sq km Sudan - 2,505,813 sq km
The total area of America is approximately 42.5 million square kilometers.
Qatar covers an area of approximately 11,586 square kilometers.
150,000,000 sq km/57,500,000 sq mi
Myanmar covers an area of approximately 676,578 square kilometers.
Australia: (2,988,901 square miles (7,741,220 sq km)Papua New Guinea: 178,703 square miles (462,840 sq km)New Zealand: 103,363 square miles (267,710 sq km)Soloman Islands: 11,157 square miles (28,896 sq km)Fiji: 7,055 square miles (18,274 sq km)Vanuatu: 4,706 square miles (12,189 sq km)Samoa: 1,093 square miles (2,831 sq km)Kiribati: 313 square miles (811 sq km)
10000000 sq km
Square kilometres (sq km) is a measure of area not of length. So length cannot be measured in sq km.
78438 sq. Km is the total area of assam
1,138,910 SQ KM
Australian Capital Territory has a land area of 2,400 sq km New South Wales has a land area of 801,600 sq km Northern Territory has a land area of 1,346,200 sq km Queensland has a land area of 1,727,200 sq km South Australia has a land area of 984,000 sq km Tasmania has a land area of 67,800 sq km Victoria has a land area of 227,600 sq km Western Australia has a land area of 2,525,500 sq km, almost one third of Australia
Utah's total area is 219,887 sq km
Land area: 1,056,636 sq mi (2,736,690 sq km); total area: 1,068,296 sq mi (2,766,890 sq km).
Land area: 125,622 sq mi (325,361 sq km); total area: 127,244 sq mi (329,560 sq km).
Area of Dhaka is : 306. 38 sq. km. Bangladesh is 55,308 sq. km
251 sq miles (650 km²).
Uttaranchal, India - 53,483 sq km