The biggest buck was shot by Milo Hanson. The buck scored at 213 5/8 B&C
The biggest buck ever recorded in history is the Hanson Buck, which had a Boone and Crockett score of 213 5/8 inches. It was harvested in 1993 in Saskatchewan, Canada.
The biggest tsunami in recorded history occurred in 2004, known as the Indian Ocean tsunami. It resulted in the deaths of approximately 230,000 people across multiple countries in the region.
The largest recorded earthquake in history was a magnitude 9.5 event that occurred in Chile in 1960. It caused widespread destruction and a tsunami that caused devastation across the Pacific Ocean.
The biggest tumor ever recorded was a cystic teratoma weighing 302 pounds, removed from a patient in 1905. Teratomas are tumors that can contain different types of tissues, such as hair, teeth, or even organs.
The biggest temperature difference ever recorded in one day was in Loma Montaña, Argentina in 1972, where the temperature dropped by 66.8°C in one day.
While the size of the largest turd ever produced has not been officially recorded, the longest human turd ever recorded is believed to be 26 feet. This unusually large turd was expelled by a woman who suffered from a condition called a "megacolon."
biggest deer ever?
Well, the biggest buck ever shot was on ChuckandBuckOutdoors. You can find them on Youtube.
The biggest dinosaur overall in history was the Argentinasaurus, a long necked herbivore. But, the biggest carnivore was the Spinosaurus which was recorded to be 45 feet long, but it's biggest length ever recorded was 60 feet long!
550 pounds.
The biggest shark ever recorded is the megalodon that reaches up to 100 feet long.
28 feet
the biggest snow flake recorded was most likely about to be 15 in other words(38cm)
Nadya Suleman