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Computers are usually built so that even the largest easily fit in the height of a standard room with space to spare, so that special building construction is not required.

The tallest that I have read about were perhaps a bit over 8 feet.

IBM even has a rule that every cabinet making up a computer they build must fit through the width and height of a standard door! They implemented this rule in the late 1940s after encountering unforeseen problems on some early one of a kind calculating machines that forced them to pay to have doorways at the customer's site removed to install the machines then rebuild replacement identical doorways once finished.

The tallest modern computers do not even have cabinets, but are built in place to fit the size of the existing room on racks. These racks are assembled from pre-drilled and tapped steel rails, then pre-assembled computer boxes about the size of microwave cookers are slid into the racks, bolted in place, and then wired together.

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8mo ago

The biggest computer mouse in the world was created by Swedish designer Dr. Erikson. It measures 8 feet in length and was displayed at the Culture House in Stockholm. This oversized mouse is more of an art piece rather than a functional device.

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11y ago

Company Brando manufactures USB Big Mouse, which measures 175mm long by 105mm width by 55mm tall(ca. 6x4x2 inch). It is marketed as a mouse as "big as hell".

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This world is widely used in hindi. it actually means chuha or chhachundara.

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No an Elephant is actually an illusion, they're not even real So the mouse is probably the biggest animal in the world Thank you goodbye (:

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Online stores such as Amazon do sell a mouse in a pink colour. Also specialist computer stores such as PC World or Staples may stock a mouse in a pink colour.

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Yes you can. Just make sure the new mouse can plug into the usb or mouse port of your computer.

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