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The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, built in 691 AD, is one of the oldest and largest domes. However, the largest freestanding dome in the world is the Texas State Capitol dome in Austin, completed in 1888 and standing at 311 feet tall.

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Continue Learning about Natural Sciences

What is the biggest telescope ever built?

Mt Graham largest on Earth, although they are building one now to be completed 2022 that will be the largest when done.

What is the largest pryamind ever built?

what is the name of the largest pyramid ever built

When was the biggest periscope ever made?

The biggest periscope ever made was built in 2014 by experts at Purdue University. It was an experimental periscope that measured 4.7 meters (15.4 feet) in length. It was designed for use in a digital imaging laboratory.

Shield volcano?

A low, broad, dome-shaped volcano built up of overlapping built up of basaltic lava flows and often covering a very large area.

How big is the biggest erection ever?

Joel Costas

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