yes there is a fish that starts with a c it is the cod
If an eel gets struck by lightning, it would most likely suffer severe burns and possibly be killed due to the high voltage of the electrical discharge. The electricity from the lightning strike can cause damage to the eel's internal organs and nervous system, leading to paralysis or death.
An electric eel can produce up to 600 volts of electricity. This electrical discharge is used for hunting prey, self-defense, and communication with other eels.
Eels have a backbone so are vertebrates.
Yes, there are freshwater eels present in California. The most common freshwater eel species found in California is the Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata). They are found in various freshwater habitats, including rivers and streams along the Pacific coast.
the conger eel the british record for it is 135 lb
I heard that when they created the lochs that join to loch ness some of them were drained and found dead inside some of them were particularly large eels. Is the lochness monster a giant eel?
An eel, some sharks, and a sting ray. Yes there are some species of these that you can keep in aquariums. They are all saltwater.
Egg then leptoceplalus then glass eel then elvers yellow eel then silver eel then spawning . and that is for fresh water eel.?
Egg then leptoceplalus then glass eel then elvers yellow eel then silver eel then spawning . and that is for fresh water eel.?
It is a catfish and carp. It is not an eel.
Fish + Lightning = Eel
An eel is a fish.
A freshwater eel is a type of eel. An eel is a long thin fish. The freshwater eel lives in rivers and lakes for most of its life and spawns (or has its young) in the sea
No. The gulper eel is a non-electric producing eel.
Eel sauce is made of soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and sometimes rice vinegar. Despite its name, eel sauce does not contain eel.