there are 13 moons its biggest is triton
The four biggest moons of Neptune are Triton, Proteus, Nereid, and Larissa. Triton is the largest and most well-known of Neptune's moons.
Galileo Galilei named Jupiter's four biggest moons after figures from Greek mythology: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. He discovered these moons in 1610 using a telescope.
Jupiter does - called Ganymede.
The biggest planet is Jupiter. It has the 4, large Galilean moons but also other smaller moons.
there are 13 moons its biggest is triton
Neptune has eight moons Triton is it's biggest!
The "Galilean moons", the four biggest ones.
The biggest moon of saturn is Titian :D
The four biggest moons of Neptune are Triton, Proteus, Nereid, and Larissa. Triton is the largest and most well-known of Neptune's moons.
One of the moons was Ganymede, the biggest moon in the solar system.
Likewise with Venus , Mercury has no moons. All the other planets in our solar system have moons with Tritan, one of the moons of Jupiter being the biggest
Galileo Galilei named Jupiter's four biggest moons after figures from Greek mythology: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. He discovered these moons in 1610 using a telescope.
Neptune has 13 moons that we know about and there may be more. NaiadTriton (the biggest moon)DespinaThalassaGalateaLarissaHalimedeProteusSaoPsamatheNesoLaomedeiaNereid