Googolplexian: The worlds largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googolplex of zeros.
Googolplex: The second largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googol of zeros.
Googol: A large number. A "1" followed by one hundred zeros.
Joel Costas
The biggest cod ever caught weighed 98 pounds (44.5 kg) and was caught off the coast of Norway.
The atom discovered with the highest atom number = number of proton = number of electrons Note that some negative ions might be bigger. The biggest element so far discovered is 294Uuo (Ununoctium, element 118), a superheavy transactinide element. Only a small number of atoms of this element have ever been produced. The caesium atom with an empirical radius of 260 pm.
white Christmas...
58 pounds
There is no biggest prime number: they go on for ever.
Yes google is the biggest number ever known. Google is a 1 with a hundred 0's.
infinity...there is no limit on numbers as with space and time
it is 17 million digits number, 257.885.161-1
They go on for ever. So if you think you have got the biggest number ever - you are wrong because one more than your number is a bigger number.
There is no such number as if you ever find one, add 1 to it and then you'll have an even larger number.
The biggest number in the world ever created, with an actual name is the number called Googol, witch has 100 zeros and 1 one in it. So, the biggest number WITH a name is called Googol.
RAYO(10^100),FOOT^10(10),Fish number 7 and LNGN are all big numbers.
You can never get to grahams number. Grahams number can never be specified. It is the biggest number ever counted.
Googolplex. However it is useless to science because it exceeds the number of particles in the universe!
biggest deer ever?