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It depends upon the context.

In mathematics, elevation usually refers to how much something is raised, and the angle of elevation would be the angle between the horizontal and the direct line to the object.

In ballistics, elevation is the angle of elevation of mathematics.

In architecture, it refers to a vertical aspect of something, e.g. the front elevation of a house would be the vertical front of the house as someone looks at it from the street.

In cartography (map making), elevation would usually refer to how high something is above [mean] sea level.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Elevation refers to the height above a certain point or surface, typically measured from sea level. It is commonly used to describe the vertical distance of a location, such as a mountain peak or a building, above a reference point.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Elevation is usually height above sea level. Mountains are thousands of feet above sea level. The beach is only a few feet above sea level. If you're referring to architecture, an elevation could be a drawing of the exterior or interior face of the building. Or if it is a dimension it could be the distance above the finish floor.

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