The amount of video recording time in 1GB can vary depending on the video quality and format. As a rough estimate, 1GB of storage can hold about 30 minutes to 1 hour of standard definition video or around 5-10 minutes of high definition video.
Please look in the related link below for this definition.
well a good definition is solar energy
The definition of abbreviation prno is stands attic. This is also an acronym for point of view. This is the definition according to a dictionary. Using the dictionary you will get an overall better definition for any word or abbreviation.
The short Version of the Definition of Weather is: temperature.
Apparently a magnitude estimate is just a estimate just closer to the actual answer.
Estimate is an English word that can be a noun and verb. By the accepted dictionary definition, the word estimate means to form an approximate judgement or opinion.
To estimate or judge the value of the applicant
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estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between
An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
The definition of the word estimated is to guess or roughly calculate a figure or value. This is commonly used in math problems.
The term for the estimate of how much of a resource is believed to exist in the ground is "resource potential."
Yes. Many times we make estimates without math. First, the definition of the verb "to estimate" does not require mathematics (see definition from 1. to form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the worth, amount, size, weight, etc., of; calculate approximately: to estimate the cost of a college education. 2. to form an opinion of; judge Usually, we make estimates that involve numbers, but no math is required. So I can estimate how much sugar to put in cup. I can estimate what time it is by looking at the sun. I can guess someone's weight or height, even though I haven't actually measured it. An estimate can be an opinion that has some rational basis. I can look at a painting and estimate what it might sell for, basd on my experience.
It is the estimation of a certain job that needs to be completed. A brief quote on an estimation is a rounded off figure, close to the actual cost. My estimate would be my measurements of the job times my cost for materials and labor. That = my estimate.
mark a fish. and let him go, then recapture!!! =) this is done to many species such as birds and fish to help estimate and conserve the population and its enviroment.