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say g=10,mass =10 kg , force up =1000n

force down = mg = 10*10=100n

force up = 1000n, net force = 900 n up

force of 900 n acting on 10kg, using a=f/m , a=900/10, a = 90 m/s^2

you have to include a time in the data, lets say 10s

then s=(a*t^2)/2 , s=(90*100)/2 , s = 4 500 meters

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1mo ago

The equation for finding distance lifted when force and mass are given is: distance lifted = (force * distance)/ mass * gravity, where force is the applied force, mass is the mass of the object being lifted, distance is the vertical distance lifted, and gravity is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2).

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Q: What is the equation for finding distance lifted when force and mass are given?
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