30.85A Michael Johnson ,Pretoria 2000-aiding altitude non alt 31.31 LaShawn Merritt, Eugene 2006 source Peter Larrsons lists @ http://www.alltime-athletics.com/index.html
Usain Bolt holds the fastest 300m running time, completing it in approximately 30.81 seconds during a solo race in 2010.
Running or sprinting would be the fastest way to get across a room.
The fastest 40 yard dash time is 4.22 seconds, achieved by John Ross at the NFL Scouting Combine in 2017.
Elijah. 1Kings 18:44-45 Elijah outruns a chariot.
you get peregrine falcon in britain, and they're the fastest ANIMAL in the world, been known to reach upto speeds of 200Mph in a dive
The fastest breed of chicken is the Leghorn, capable of running up to 9 mph.
probably running
It is 117 minutes. AKA 1 hour and 57 minutes 1:57:00
he was the fastest, running a 4.2 forty yard dash.
1.0 kiomeers
22:04 by Alberto Salazar
About a sixteenth of a second, or 0.0625 seconds.
Martin Ilott finished the fastest, unsupported U.S. running across America in 71.27 days.
Running or sprinting would be the fastest way to get across a room.
The fastest 40 yard dash time is 4.22 seconds, achieved by John Ross at the NFL Scouting Combine in 2017.
Lacrosse is the fastest sport on two feet.
You do a race by running the fastest or doing something the fastest.