No, tornadoes are not the fastest wind on Earth. The fastest winds on Earth are found in weather phenomena such as jet streams and hurricanes. Tornadoes can have extremely high wind speeds, but they are localized and short-lived compared to other weather events.
Yes. A typhoon is a storm, it is a tropical storm.
The speed at which a snow storm travels has several different varying conditions. It would depend on the wind factors, the direction that it is headed in, barometric and atmospheric pressures as well as the type of precipitation in the storm.
A storm accompanied by lightning (electrical discharge) is called an electrical storm.
The correct phrase is "weather the storm." This means to endure a difficult situation or challenge until it passes.
Metal Storm
The fastest winds in a hurricane are typically found in the eyewall, which is the ring of thunderstorms surrounding the eye of the storm.
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The strongest tornadoes produce the fastest winds of any storm on earth, but tornadoes are small compared to most storms.
A hurricane's fastest winds are typically found in the eyewall surrounding the eye of the storm. The heaviest rains are often found in the spiral bands extending outward from the center of the storm.
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The fastest sandstorm recorded was in Australia in 2009, with wind speeds reaching up to 69 miles per hour (111 kilometers per hour). Sandstorms can vary in speed depending on the location and weather conditions at the time.
Yes, Metal Storm is the World's fastest and the deadliest weapon ever made. Firing over 1,000,000 rounds per minute with 36 barrels(16660 bullets per second). Metal Storm is the fastest and the most powerful machine gun in the World that it is the scariest weapon on the planet.
The Metal Storm with a shot rate of one million rounds per minute
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Neptune's main feature is the Great Dark Spot, a giant storm with winds of over 1000 mph, making it the fastest storm in the Solar System. Neptune also has the Second Dark Spot, a smaller storm with slower wind speeds.
Most machine guns fire several hundred rounds in every second, they fire bullets that are much faster than the speed of sound but they can also spray several thousand bullets in 1 minute. There is a machine gun called metal storm. The metal storm is the fastest rapid firing machine gun in the World. It fires up to several thousand rounds in 1 second up to 1,000,000 rounds per minute. Metal storm have 36 barrels wiches make metal storm a very fast machine gun. The answer is yes, machine guns are the World's fastest rapid firing weapons.