give it exp. share and then use a strong Pokemon and keep batling through the elite four. and give it lots of rare candies
Running or sprinting would be the fastest way to get across a room.
its the fastest way to get into the castle.
The fastest way to eliminate Librium from your system is through metabolism by the liver and excretion by the kidneys. There is no proven way to speed up this process, but staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy lifestyle may help. It's important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.
In PokΓ©mon Ruby, Bagon can be found in Meteor Falls on the ground floor. It appears at a low encounter rate, so patience and persistence are necessary to find one. Bagon evolves into Shelgon at level 30 and then into Salamence at level 50.
A 45 caliber bullet to the head.
It evolves into Shelgon at level 30.
It was suppose to evovle at 30, is it holding an everstone, that stops evolution.
The best way to train Bagon in Pokémon Ruby is to have him battle against other Pokémon. Because Bagon is a steel type, you should train him against normal and fighting Pokémon.
You have to trade it from ruby, sapphire, or emerald.or buy Pokemon ocean version which you can use bagon as your starter.(very hard to raise!)bagon does not apear in that gamethe only way is trading it for a bagon in emerald when you have the ruby and the sorry, buy it is the only way...hes only in emerald
it evovle at 16
Use the GTS in Jubilife city (one way)
Bagon is in Meteor Falls..if you use Waterfall in there, you get to a different area where you can find Bagon.
Once you have the national Pokedex, the best way to get a Bagon is to go just east of Celestic Town. Search in the patches of grass either north or south. the best way to do this is use defog and use your pokeradar. Hope this helped!
airplane is the fastest way!
bagon evolve into shelgon and then salamence
yes, in metor falls way back in the cave
If you mean water pokemon then they all evovle at a certain order.