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give it exp. share and then use a strong Pokemon and keep batling through the elite four. and give it lots of rare candies

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

The fastest way to evolve Bagon into Shelgon is by leveling it up to level 30. After it evolves into Shelgon, it will later evolve into Salamence starting at level 50. Using Rare Candies or battling with a Lucky Egg equipped can help speed up the leveling process.

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Q: What is the fastest way to evovle bagon?
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What level does bagon evovle?

It evolves into Shelgon at level 30.

I caught a level 26 bagon and i trained it to lvl 30 and it didnt evolve why and when will it evolve?

It was suppose to evovle at 30, is it holding an everstone, that stops evolution.

What is the best way to train bagon?

The best way to train Bagon in Pokémon Ruby is to have him battle against other Pokémon. Because Bagon is a steel type, you should train him against normal and fighting Pokémon.

How do you get Bagon in Pokemon FireRed?

You have to trade it from ruby, sapphire, or emerald.or buy Pokemon ocean version which you can use bagon as your starter.(very hard to raise!)bagon does not apear in that gamethe only way is trading it for a bagon in emerald when you have the ruby and the sorry, buy it is the only way...hes only in emerald

When does budew evovle?

it evovle at 16

How do you get a bagon in Pokemon platinum?

Use the GTS in Jubilife city (one way)

What route is bagon on in ruby?

Bagon is in Meteor Falls..if you use Waterfall in there, you get to a different area where you can find Bagon.

How can find a bagon a the easy way in platinum?

Once you have the national Pokedex, the best way to get a Bagon is to go just east of Celestic Town. Search in the patches of grass either north or south. the best way to do this is use defog and use your pokeradar. Hope this helped!

What is the fastest way to get from US to Russia?

airplane is the fastest way!

What does bagon evelve into?

bagon evolve into shelgon and then salamence

Can you find bagon in sappphire version?

yes, in metor falls way back in the cave

How did fish evovle?

If you mean water pokemon then they all evovle at a certain order.