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The general formula for a moving wave is: v = f λ where v is speed (in m/s), f is frequency (in Hz) and λ is wavelength (in m) For EM radiation, the speed is a constant (speed of light = c ≈ 300,000,000 m/s), so you can derive frequency as: f = c/ λ

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The formula to find the wavelength of radiation is λ = c / f. Here, λ represents the wavelength, c is the speed of light (approximately 3.00 x 10^8 m/s), and f is the frequency of the radiation.

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Q: What is the formula to find the wave length of radiation with the frequency?
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How can you find out speed of sound with help of a resonance tube?

To find the speed of sound using a resonance tube, you can measure the length of the tube that produces resonance with a tuning fork. By adjusting the length of the tube until you hear the loudest sound, you can determine the resonant wavelength. Then, using the formula velocity = frequency × wavelength, you can calculate the speed of sound.

Formula to find length of volume?

To find the length of a volume, you need to know the volume's dimensions. The formula to calculate the volume of a rectangular solid (length × width × height) can help determine the necessary length if the other dimensions are known.

What are the frequency and wavelength of a photon which jumped from energy level 5 to energy level 2?

To calculate the frequency of the photon, you can use the formula E = hf, where E is the energy difference between the two levels, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency. Once you have the frequency, you can use the formula c = λf to find the wavelength, where c is the speed of light and λ is the wavelength.

Find the frequency of a sound wave that has a wavelength of 1.5 meter. Could you hear this sound?

To find the frequency, use the formula: frequency = speed of sound / wavelength. Assuming the speed of sound is 343 m/s, the frequency of the sound wave would be approximately 229 Hz. Yes, this frequency is within the audible range for humans, so you would be able to hear this sound.

What is the name for the formula LIS?

The formula LIS stands for "Longest Increasing Subsequence." It is used to find the length of the longest subsequence of a given sequence that is strictly increasing.

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What is the formula to find the wave length?

The formula to find the wavelength (λ) of a wave is: λ = v/f, where v is the speed of the wave and f is the frequency of the wave.

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To find the frequency of a wave, you can use the formula: frequency = speed of the wave / wavelength. The speed of a wave in a specific medium is usually provided, so you can divide that by the wavelength of the wave to calculate the frequency.

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The frequency of radiation can be calculated using the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. Given the speed of light is about 3.00 x 10^8 m/s, you can convert the wavelength from nm to meters (1.73 nm = 1.73 x 10^-9 m) and plug in the values to find the frequency.

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To find the shortest wavelength, you would need to look for the highest frequency electromagnetic wave in the spectrum. You can use the formula: wavelength = speed of light / frequency to calculate the wavelength, with the highest frequency corresponding to the shortest wavelength.

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To calculate the wavelength, you can use the formula: wavelength = speed of light / frequency. Given the speed of 330 m/s and length of 15m, divide the speed by the frequency to find the wavelength.

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You can find the wavelength of gamma radiation using the equation: wavelength (λ) = speed of light (c) / frequency (ν). The frequency of gamma radiation is typically given in hertz (Hz).

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To find the frequency of a wave, you can use the formula: frequency = speed of the wave / wavelength. In this case, the speed of the wave is 340 m/s and the wavelength is 15 m. Plugging these values into the formula, the frequency of the wave is 340 m/s / 15 m = 22.67 Hz.

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To find the speed of sound using a resonance tube, you can measure the length of the tube that produces resonance with a tuning fork. By adjusting the length of the tube until you hear the loudest sound, you can determine the resonant wavelength. Then, using the formula velocity = frequency × wavelength, you can calculate the speed of sound.

What is the formula to find the frequency of a wave?

frequency = wave speed / wavelengthWave length equals phase speed divided by frequency. So let L be length, S be speed and F be frequency. We usually use letters such as lamda, but L will work.L=S/F so FL=S and F=S/L. The frequency is the phase speed divided by the wave length.If it is an electromagnetic wave in a vacuum, then velocity is approximately 3 x 108 meters/second