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Eubacteria are a diverse group of bacteria that play important roles in nutrient recycling, decomposition, nitrogen fixation, and some forms of fermentation. They can also be harmful pathogens causing diseases in humans, animals, and plants.

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Related questions

Are eubacteria eukaryotes?

No, eubacteria are prokaryotes.

What are the kinds of eubacteria?

what are some kinds of eubacteria

Does eubacteria have a nucleus?

Nope and archeabacteria doesn't either.No, the cells of a Eubacteria do not have a nucleus.

Which group makes up the largest kingdom of prokaryotes?

Kingdom Monera

Is eubacteria eukaryote?

No in fact eubacteria is prokaryotic.

Is salmonella eubacteria?

Yes, salmonella is caused by eubacteria.

Does eubacteria cause pneumonia?

Yes infact Eubacteria is pneumonia

Are archaebacteria and eubacteria both protists?

No, archaebacteria and eubacteria are not considered protists. They are both types of bacteria that are classified in different domains (Archaea and Bacteria), separate from the domain Eukarya where protists are found.

What are the number of cells in eubacteria?

Eubacteria are single-celled organisms, so each individual bacterium is a single cell. The number of cells in eubacteria populations can vary widely depending on their growth conditions and stage of growth.

Is Eubacteria alive?

Yes, eubacteria are alive. They are what is known as true bacteria. An example of eubacteria is Streptococcus, which is the cause of strep throat.

Can eubacteria make you sick?

Yes, eubacteria can make you very sick. Salmonella is the worst type of sickness that a person can get from eubacteria.

Does chlamydia trachomatis belong to eubacteria or archaebacteria?

Chlamydia trachomatis belongs to the domain Eubacteria. It is a bacteria that causes the sexually transmitted infection chlamydia in humans.