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3 feet

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Q: What is the highest known jump off the ground?
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Related questions

Who has the highest jump in the NBA?

Derrick Rose can jump 48 in off the ground.

When you jump vertically off the ground what is the acceleration at your highest?

At the highest point of your jump, your acceleration is equal to -9.81 m/s^2, which is the acceleration due to gravity pulling you back towards the ground.

How do condors get off the ground?


How do you jump a positive ground system off?

+ to +- to -+ to +- to -

How you can jump?

You are able to jump by using your feet to apply force to the ground and then using this force to allow you to lift off the ground.

How do you jump super high in real life?

bend your knees, and jump off the ground as high as you can

Do you pull or push when you jump?

When you jump, you push off the ground with your legs to propel yourself upwards. The upward force generated by the push allows you to leave the ground and jump into the air.

How Jump off the ground while laying down?

dont be scared!

How do people jump?

they use their legs and feet and then they push off the ground

What type of energy is used to jump off a cliff?

Potential energy is used to jump off a cliff, as the person's position above the ground gives them the energy to move downwards. As they jump, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which allows them to accelerate towards the ground.

Why did two men jump off the burj khalifa?

to set the world record for the highest base jump ever. there you go brah.

How do people jump off the ground?

You bend down and then you push up from your thighs.