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It is Nanga Parbat in Pakistan. Check out the link below for more info.

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Mauna Kea in Hawaii is the tallest mountain on Earth when measured from base to summit, with most of its mass located underwater. Its height is measured from the base of the ocean floor.

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Q: What is the highest mountain on Earth if you define the mountains height as the vertical distance between the peak and the surrounding landscape?
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What is land form that is lower than a mountain?

A landform that is lower than a mountain is typically called a hill or a plateau. These features are elevated above the surrounding landscape but are not as tall as mountains.

Is a mountain a liquid?

No, a mountain is not a liquid. It is a large mass of solid rock and soil that rises high above the surrounding landscape. Liquids flow and take the shape of their container, while mountains are stationary and maintain their shape over time.

What colours are used to show high mountains?

High mountains are often depicted using cool colors like shades of blue and purple. These colors help create a sense of distance and the illusion of height in the mountain landscape. Additionally, white is commonly used to show snowy mountain peaks.

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Some major mountain ranges in Turkey include the Taurus Mountains, Pontic Mountains, and the Eastern Anatolian Mountains. These mountain ranges play a significant role in shaping Turkey's landscape and climate.

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The effect of distance in landscape painting is achieved by use of "atmospheric perspective." This is the practice of using haze to suggest distance. Two mountains in the background can appear equal in apparent size, yet different in lightness. This means that the lighter mountain is, in fact, bigger, because it is much farther away. The haze of the atmosphere obscures objects more, the farther they are away.

What is a land form that rise to peaks above 200 feet?

Its a hill

The mountain range that forms most of the Austrian landscape is the?

The mountain range that forms most of the Austrian landscape is the Alps. These mountains dominate the scenery in Austria and offer numerous opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and mountaineering.

Why is a mountain so big?

Mountains are big because of tectonic activity, where tectonic plates collide or move apart, causing the Earth's crust to fold and uplift. Over millions of years, this process leads to the formation of mountains. Erosion also plays a role in the size of a mountain by wearing down the surface and exposing the underlying rocky structure.

What mountain ranges make up the northern mountain rim?

The northern mountain rim is mainly formed by the Carpathian Mountains, the Alps, and the Scandinavian Mountains. These mountain ranges span across Europe and play a significant role in shaping the landscape and climate of the region.

What is known as the mountain state?

West Virginia is known as the Mountain State due to its mountainous terrain and landscape, with the Appalachian Mountains running through the state.

What type of landscape region is the catskills mountain?

The Catskill Mountains are part of the Appalachian Mountain range in the eastern United States. The landscape in the Catskills is characterized by forested mountains, deep valleys, and winding rivers, making it a popular destination for outdoor recreation such as hiking, fishing, and skiing.