The Dow Jones Industrials Average crashed 777.68 points on September 29, 2008, the largest drop ever. The average lost 6.98% of its value that day.
what is the name of the largest pyramid ever built
The largest earthquake ever recorded was in Valdivia, Chile in 1960 with a magnitude of 9.5. The second largest earthquake was in Prince William Sound, Alaska in 1964 with a magnitude of 9.2.
A Man had the largest skull ever documented, it measured 1980CC
The largest okra on record grew to be 17 inches long.
Queen's largest crowd ever was at the Rock in Rio festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1985, where they performed for an estimated crowd of 350,000 people.
No, but is was the worst drop since September, 2001.
On September 29, 2008, the Dow dropped 777.68 points.
On March 15, 1933, the Dow rose from 53.84 to 62.10, for a percentage gain of 15.34%. That is the largest gain in percentage terms since the creation of the Dow in 1896.
Dow-Jones is just a list of stocks. Stock prices drop when someone tries to sell some and he has to lower his price to get someone else to buy.
It is still open to interpretation. I believe it to be September 15, 2008 the day the Lehman Brothers collapsed. The Dow had its biggest point drop ever.
Basf, Dow and Shell
14,198 October 7th 2007