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Probably the sail fish. It's also the fastest animal in the sea. It can go faster than a cheetah!! Some people say the dogfish is bigger. This actually IS true. But, most people don't realize the dogfish is really a shark.

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8mo ago

The largest fish is the whale shark, which can grow up to about 40 feet in length and weigh up to 20 tons. Despite its name, the whale shark is a filter-feeder and poses no threat to humans.

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12y ago

The Cretoxyrhina Shark. It is up to 27 feet long and that's a little bigger than a Great White!

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12y ago

Mola mola, the ocean sunfish

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Q: What is the largest fish not including sharks?
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Why isn't the whale shark the biggest mammal in the world?

It is the biggest shark, but sharks are fish, not mammals. The largest mammals are the true whales, including the blue whale, the largest species.

Are whale sharks a fish or a mammal?

The whale shark is the largest living shark, therefore, the largest fish.

Which group do sharks belong?

Sharks belong in the fish family and resultingly the largest fish in the world is the basking shark. (A+ free swimmers)

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Whale Sharks are the largest fish in the world. They can be found in the tropic ocean areas.

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The largest known carnivorous animal to live on land was Spinosaurus, a theropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Africa. Its diet was mostly composed of fish including sharks and giant coelacanths.

What zone in the ocean do sharks live?

Whale sharks, the largest existing fish, inhabit all tropical and warm temperate seas.

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Hammerhead sharks eat a large range of items including fish, squid, octopus, crustaceans, and other sharks.

What are whale sharks?

The largest fish in the world. They are really, really big sharks that are bluish greyish with White spots.a whale shark is frendly and big and wide it eats lots and lots of plankton to overload its hungerThe whale shark is the largest known fish on the planet.the world's largest fish,up to 50 feet or more,eats plankton.

Are big fish and sharks the same?

Sword fish, Bluefin tuna and many other fish species are considered "big fish" or more accurately "big game fish" which are not sharks. Thought the largest fish in the ocean is the Whale shark, some shark species (e.g. dogfish, nurse shark, etc.) can be very small in size so not all sharks are "big fish".

Are tiger sharks fish?

no tiger sharks are fish but r sharks

What do great white sharks hunt?

Sharks eat anything they can catch, including fish, seals, penguins and other birds, and even sometimes part of a human if they mistake them for a seal or fish.

What are the release dates for Scuba Bob's Ocean Quest - 2006 Whale Sharks of Holbox The Largest Fish on the Planet 1-2?

Scuba Bob's Ocean Quest - 2006 Whale Sharks of Holbox The Largest Fish on the Planet 1-2 was released on: USA: 2006