The largest gallstone on record was removed from an 80-year old woman in 1952 and weighed 6.29 kg (13.84 pounds). The record number for most gallstones removed from an individual is 3,110.
Yes. Go to --> Type in --> picture of gallstone There are lots of pictures. I had a gallstone removed on 17 July 2009 that measures 8.2 cm x 5.3 cm (avocado shaped). That is 3.25" x 2.10". I still have it for proof and it's gross! Photographs available. J ohn Evered, Kings Beach, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia.
what is the name of the largest pyramid ever built
The largest earthquake ever recorded was in Valdivia, Chile in 1960 with a magnitude of 9.5. The second largest earthquake was in Prince William Sound, Alaska in 1964 with a magnitude of 9.2.
A Man had the largest skull ever documented, it measured 1980CC
The biggest tumor ever recorded was a cystic teratoma weighing 302 pounds, removed from a patient in 1905. Teratomas are tumors that can contain different types of tissues, such as hair, teeth, or even organs.
a basketball sized gallstone
I had a gallstone removed on 17 July 2009 that measures 8.2 cm x 5.3 cm (avocado shaped). That is 3.25" x 2.10". I still have it for proof and it's gross! Photographs available. John Evered, Kings Beach, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia.
The largest gallstone removed from a patient weighed 5.5 pounds and was the size of a rugby ball. It was extracted in India in 2016.
The largest gallstone removed from a human body was reportedly around 5 inches in diameter and weighed approximately 2.5 pounds. Gallstones of this size are rare and can cause severe symptoms and complications if not treated promptly.
7.2 pounds
I had a gallstone removed on 17 July 2009 that measures 8.2 cm x 5.3 cm(avocado shaped). That is 3.25" x 2.10" I still have it for proof and it's gross! Photographs available. John Evered, Kings Beach, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia.
Michelle had a large gallstone. When the gallbladder would react to certain foods, it would press down on the gallstone and Michelle would experience a lot of pain. After it was addressed, Michelle said it was extremely painful and the recovery was difficult.
Yes. Go to --> Type in --> picture of gallstone There are lots of pictures. I had a gallstone removed on 17 July 2009 that measures 8.2 cm x 5.3 cm (avocado shaped). That is 3.25" x 2.10". I still have it for proof and it's gross! Photographs available. J ohn Evered, Kings Beach, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia.
The largest tumour ever recorded was an ovarian cyst weighing 3281b(23.4 stone) removed from a woman in Texas in 1905. The patient recovered.
Gallstone ileus, which results from a gallstone's blocking the entrance to the large intestine, is most common in elderly people. Surgery usually cures this condition.
Without a gallbladder, stones rarely reform. Patients who have continued symptoms after their gallbladder is removed may need an ERCP to detect residual stones or damage to the bile ducts caused by the stones before they were removed.
An incision into a gallstone to remove it