The smallest mammal in the world is the bumblebee bat, and it has the fastest heartbeat, up to 1,100 beats per minute.
Smallest atom is hydrogen Largest atom is Francium
It is the 2nd largest. Ceres is the smallest Dwarf planet. Eris is the largest.
Uranium is not the largest in the actinoids family but also not the smallest.
The smallest mammal is the small Asian mongoose.
An African Elephant is the largest mammal, at an average of 3.64 metres in height (for males) and weighing 5455 kg. Specimens of 6800kg have been documented. The smallest mammal in Africa is a pygmy shrew which is about the size of a human fingertip. Its habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests.
The heaviest is the Blue Whale and the lightest is the Pigmy Shrew
The pygmy shrew is the smallest mammal.
Lemmings are the smallest mammal known to live in the Tundra.
The smallest Arkansas town according to census records is Gilbert, Arkansas with 33 people - 17 male and 16 female.
The world's smallest aquatic mammal is a cetacean known as the Vaquita.
The smallest mammal is the Etruscan shrew.
The Hippopotamus is the 3rd largest mammal.
The smallest African mammal is the African pygmy shrew. This is also the smallest mammal in the entire world. They weigh less than 10 grams.
The smallest state in the Louisiana Purchase is Arkansas. Arkansas is west of the Mississippi River. Arkansas achieved statehood in 1836.