The scientific name for a northern pike is Esox lucius.
A northern pike is neither a mammal nor a reptile. A northern pike is a species of carnivorous fish native to Britain and North America.
The ocean sunfish, also known as mola mola, holds the record for the largest eggs of any fish species. These eggs can reach up to 10 million per female, each about the size of a grain of salt.
Northern pike are found in freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams across North America, Europe, and parts of Asia. They prefer clear, weedy waters with slow currents where they can ambush their prey. Northern pike can also tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and can be found in both cold and warm waters.
The two largest mountains in England are Scafell Pike, which is the highest at 978 meters (3,209 feet), and Helvellyn, which is the third highest and stands at 950 meters (3,117 feet).
The longest pike ever recorded was 152 cm (60 in) long.
The biggest northern pike caught in a net is 67,1 lb (Germany) and with a fishing rod 54,6 lb (Germany) Pictures of them in the link.
The world record northern pike was caught in Greffern Lake, Germany in 1986, weighing 25 kilograms (55 pounds).
The scientific name for a northern pike is Esox lucius.
The world record for a pike was 55 lbs and a length of 56 inches..........
I was unable to find an alternate name for the female pike however what is commonly known as the Northern Pike is also known as, great northern pike, American pike, jackfish, the great northern pickerel.
The Northern pike is a carnivore so its a consumer.
yes,they are egg layers.
Many fish are related to the northern pike. Pickerel are one type of fish related to the northern pike, and there is also all types of freshwater muskie. and the walleye is a cross between some type of pike and a perch.
A northern pike is active during all parts of the day. It is not nocturnal but it can feed at night.
Northern pike are, like all fish, cold blooded.