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Norma Stitz. She's size 102 ZZZ ..8ft 6in round the chest & each boob weighs 3st.

Not an easy question to answer? Why because a woman's weight, height and cup size all effect how her breasts are evaluated. There are several to me, Norma Stitz is layed claim but it depends, she carries so much weight its hard to give her the title. Karola on Silicone Free site is very large even though she carries a lot of weight. There is a women out of Italy who is very large. But to me the Dominican women is the top dog, her name is Miostatis or something of that nature, giant breasts, thin, good looking. I also like Susie Sparks, giant breasts and huge areola. I personally like darker huge areola, it adds to the breast look to me.

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1mo ago

The woman with the largest natural breasts is Annie Hawkins-Turner, also known as Norma Stitz, with a bra size of 102ZZZ. She holds the Guinness World Record for her breast size.

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