The latitude and longitude of Godavarikhani, Telangana, India is approximately 18.81°N latitude and 79.48°E longitude.
The latitude and longitude of Kanpur, India is approximately 26.4499° N, 80.3319° E.
The latitude and longitude of Calicut, also known as Kozhikode, in India is approximately 11.2588° N, 75.7804° E.
The latitude of Gujarat, India is approximately 22.2587° N, and the longitude is around 71.1924° E.
Asia Latitude is 38.142013 and Longitutde is 71.314304 Asia Latitude is 38.142013 and Longitutde is 71.314304
Kolkata, West bengal, India, lies at 22 degrees, 34 minutes north, 88 degrees 22 minutes east.
give the latitude and longitude extent of India
Latitude: 22°34′10.92″N Longitude: 88°22′10.92″E Just for others to know a little bit more, Kolkata is the new name for the former Calcutta. Kolkata is also the capital of Indian state of West Bengal.
the latitude is 50
Latitude: N 29° 5' 50.3304" Longitude: E 77° 24' 20.8188"
The latitude and longitude of Godavarikhani, Telangana, India is approximately 18.81°N latitude and 79.48°E longitude.
The latitude and longitude of Kanpur, India is approximately 26.4499° N, 80.3319° E.
For the country of India the latitude of 22 o 00' N and longitude of 77 o 00' W
The latitude and longitude of Mumbai, India (formerly known as Bombay), is approximately 19.0760° N, 72.8777° E.
The latitude and longitude of Calicut, also known as Kozhikode, in India is approximately 11.2588° N, 75.7804° E.
The latitude of Gujarat, India is approximately 22.2587° N, and the longitude is around 71.1924° E.
Asia Latitude is 38.142013 and Longitutde is 71.314304 Asia Latitude is 38.142013 and Longitutde is 71.314304