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mass percent=g solute/ g solute=g solvent X 100%

mass percent = 50g/ 50g+1000g X100%= 4.76%

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4w ago

The total mass of the solution is the sum of the mass of the solute (glucose) and the mass of the solvent (water), which is 50 g + 1000 g = 1050 g. The mass percent of the solute (glucose) in the solution is the mass of the solute divided by the total mass of the solution, multiplied by 100. Therefore, the mass percent of glucose in the solution is (50 g / 1050 g) x 100 = 4.76%.

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Q: What is the mass percent of a solution formed by dissolving 50 g of glucose in 1000 g of water?
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What is endothermic solution formation?

Endothermic solution formation is when a solution is formed by dissolving a solute in a solvent, and it absorbs heat energy from its surroundings in the process. This results in a decrease in the temperature of the surroundings as energy is taken in during the dissolution process.

When substance dissolve completely and evenly in another substance what forms?

When a substance dissolves completely and evenly in another substance, a homogeneous mixture called a solution is formed. In a solution, the solute (the substance being dissolved) is uniformly distributed in the solvent (the substance doing the dissolving).

What is a Solution Hollows?

Solution hollows are small depressions or cavities formed in limestone or other soluble rock by the action of acidic water dissolving the rock over time. These hollows can form underground or on the surface. They are often found in areas with extensive limestone bedrock and are typically associated with karst topography.

How a solution is formed mentioning the solute and solvent?

A solution is formed when a solute (the substance being dissolved) is mixed with a solvent (the substance doing the dissolving) and they create a homogenous mixture at the molecular level. The solute particles disperse and become surrounded by solvent molecules, forming a stable solution.

In glucose what is the result of fehling test?

In a Fehling test, glucose results in a red precipitate of copper(I) oxide. This reaction occurs when glucose reduces the blue Cu(II) ions in the Fehling reagent to form a red precipitate of Cu₂O.

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How do you define solute solvent and solution by describing the process of dissolving a solid in a liquid.?

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