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There are many possible formulas. The simplest would be to map the hearing range directly to the visible. The speed of sound in air is about 300 meters per second and the speed of light is about 3e8 meters per second. We can hear frequencies of 20 to 20,000 Hz, and that corresponds to wavelengths of 15 down to .015 meters. We can see wavelengths from 700 nanometers down to 400 nanometers. So a straight formula would be

light wave length = 20e-9 * (sound wave length) + 399.7e-9 (in meters)

sound wave length = 300 / (sound frequency in Hz) (in meters)

Another way would be to compress the sound into octaves and let that be a linear

mapping. This would be like assigning the keys on a piano to specific colors. A

formula for that might be

light wave length = 100 * (Log (sound wave length)) + 582.4 (in nanometers)

(and I used the same formula for sound wave length above).

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1mo ago

The formula to convert sound frequency to a related color is subjective and varies depending on the method used. One common method is to map frequencies directly to corresponding wavelengths within the visible light spectrum, with lower frequencies corresponding to longer wavelengths on the red end and higher frequencies to shorter wavelengths on the violet end. This method is often used in music visualization or sound-to-light systems.

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10y ago

The lowest frequency of light that your eye can detect produces the sensation

of red, and is roughly 20,000,000,000 times the highest frequency of sound

that your ear can detect.

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