There is only one make and model Rainbow at a time and they all sell for the same price which is around the $2200 mark. anything cheaper and beware of who you are buying it from.
The most expensive Electrolux oven was one that sold for $100,000. It's not just an oven, it includes things like a vacuum packer, fryer, and a food mixer. All the things that an amateur chef would need in the kitchen. All are made custom to order with all the customer's exact specifications.
The most expensive houses in the world are spread throughout different countries / continents. There is no country / location that contains all of the most expensive houses. The world most expensive house is located in India and the second most expensive is located in France.
Ruby,Emerld,Topaz,Dimond and Sapphire are most expensive
Most of the volume of an atom is vacuum.
Most of the volume of an atom is vacuum.
how do you break a rainbow vacuum
No, a rainbow vacuum is not a medical tax deduction.
Rainbow vacuum cleaners can be bought from Amazon and one can find product reviews and ratings on consumer reports. The Rainbow E Series wet or dry vacuum cleaner is at $495 on Amazon.
Most all of Dyson's vacuum cleaners are very expensive to buy. The Dyson DC18 costs $899.00. Dyson vacuum's are worth the money paid to own one. They are a great vacuum cleaner.
Why don't you google <rainbow vacuum contract> and read stories from others who signed contract? Contracts can be hard to get out of.
The Rainbow vacuum series E can go for up to $2200 if bought in the home. However, they are willing to negotiate with you, and you can get a better price.
According to online reviews a Dyson works absolute miracles when it comes to cleaning your floors, not to mention it is a lot cheaper than the Rainbow vacuum cleaners. You can check out some different reviews on the Dyson here:
You can find almost any Rainbow vacuum part at When you click on the site you can read their Bizrate rating.
The GoVacuum GV62711 is $1,000,000 and is 24k gold plated
The motor has to be replaced the most. Make sure you buy a high end vacuum that will last a long time. If you get a cheap vacuum the motor will burn out often and it is expensive to fix them.
RainbowSystem would be your best source to locate a Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner. They also sell them as well as replacement parts at places like Sears and Amazon.
You can purchase spare Rainbow vacuum parts online from the RainVac website. Once on the page, click on "parts" at the top and select your make and model to continue.