The most expensive part of a human being is the bone marrow and this is the most delicate part.
The brain is considered the most used body part, while the heart is often considered the second most used body part because it constantly pumps blood throughout the body.
The most inferior part of the body is typically the feet, as they are located at the bottom and farthest away from the head in anatomical position.
what is the most important body part of a jaguar
the neck is the most sensitive part of your body - WRONG The correct answer is your lip then thumb
in your mom
silver is the most valuable part of Mexico's mining industry.
carbon is very valuable as most of the compounds in nature (including human body) contains carbon
It is the brain part of the human body that contains the most neonates.
The brain is considered the most used body part, while the heart is often considered the second most used body part because it constantly pumps blood throughout the body.
The most sensitive part of a dog's body is typically their nose.
The most inferior part of the body is typically the feet, as they are located at the bottom and farthest away from the head in anatomical position.
Yes. Pretty much every body part of a Tiger is valuable in illegal Chinese markets.
Valuable can be an adjective or a noun.
The eye.
its body