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The official unit for temperature in the SI - the currently used version of the metric system - is the Kelvin. In popular usage, the degree Celsius, a.k.a. degree Centigrade, is more common; the Kelvin is used a lot in science.

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3w ago

The temperature in the metric system is called Celsius.

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Q: What is the name for the temperature in the metric system?
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When measuring temperature in the metric system the unit is the?

measuring temperature the metric system of °C is used.

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Basic unit measuring temperature in metric system?

The basic unit for measuring temperature in the metric system is the degree Celsius (°C).

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The metric system uses the unit degrees Celsius (°C) to report temperature.

Is Celsius English or Metric measure?

Celsius is a metric measure used for temperature. It is a commonly used unit in the metric system to measure temperature, where water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

Give an example of when you might measure the temperature uring the metric system?

There are many different occasions when a person would want to measure the temperature using the metric system. For example, if a friend from the UK wanted to know the temperature at one's house in Wisconsin, it would be polite to convert the temperature to Celsius so that it makes sense to one's friend.

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What thermometer is based on the metric system?

That depends on what units the thermometer is calibrated in. The SI unit for temperature is the kelvin, but degrees Celsius commonly used, if the thermometer reads in kelvin or degrees Celsius then it is a metric tool.

What is the metric base unit for measuring temperature?

In the SI system, the base unit for temperature is the kevin.

What was the name of the metric system of measurements?

imperial system * * * * * The Metric and Imperial systems are alternative systems! The metric system is properly known as the International System of Units, abbreviated, from its French name: Système international d'unités to SI units.

What is the name of the system scientists use for measurement?

metric system