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That's a 'vector'. Examples include displacement, velocity, acceleration, force,

momentum, torque, gradient, divergence, and curl.

Distance, speed, temperature, price, weight, energy, power, voltage, resistance,

and duration are not vectors.

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Physical quantities that can be completely described by magnitude and direction are known as vectors. Examples of such quantities include force, velocity, acceleration, and displacement.

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Q: What is the name given to the physical quantity which can be completely described by specifying both magnitude and direction. name four such quantities?
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What is Solar and vector quantities?

Solar refers to anything related to the sun, such as solar energy or solar radiation. Vector quantities are physical quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as velocity or force.

Is duration of a flight a scalar or vector?

Scalars are quantities that are fully described by magnitude aloneVectors are quantities that are fully described by both magnitude and a direction.Duration of a flight is simply a magnitude and there is no direction so it is a scalar.

Can we have physical quantities which have magnitude and direction but are not vectors if yes how?

yes we can have. for eg electric current, pressure etc though these quantities have both magnitude and direction their directions are not necessary to define them and vectors are those quantities which has magnitude and requires direction to be defined " quantities having both magnitude and direction is a vector" is not a corrrect definition ofa vector

What is scaler quantities and vector quantities?

Scalar quantities are physical quantities that have only magnitude, such as mass, temperature, and time. Vector quantities have both magnitude and direction, such as velocity, displacement, and force. Scalars can be added algebraically, while vectors need to consider both magnitude and direction in addition to standard arithmetic operations.

How are scalar and vector quantities similar?

Scalar and vector quantities are both used in physics to describe properties of objects. They both have magnitude, which represents the size or amount of the quantity. However, the key difference is that vector quantities also have direction associated with them, while scalar quantities do not.

Related questions

What is the name given to the physical quantity which can be completely described by specifying both magnitude and direction?

The physical quantity that can be completely described by specifying both magnitude and direction is called a vector. Vectors are represented by arrows, where the length represents the magnitude and the direction represents the direction.

How many types of quantities?

there are three types of quantities:-1.Scalar quantities - Scalarsare quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.2.vector quantities - Vectorsare quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction.3.Tensor quantities - tensors are quantities that are fully described by magnitude, direction and the plane thecomponent acts on.

What is the vector quantities?

those quantities in which we are need are both magnitude and direction for complete described is called a Victor

What is Solar and vector quantities?

Solar refers to anything related to the sun, such as solar energy or solar radiation. Vector quantities are physical quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as velocity or force.

Is work and energy scalar or vector quantities explain?

Work and energy are scalar quantities because they have magnitude but no direction. They are described by a single numerical value rather than having both magnitude and direction like vector quantities.

Write differences between scaler and vector quantities?

Scalar quantities have only magnitude, while vector quantities have both magnitude and direction. Examples of scalar quantities include mass, temperature, and speed, while examples of vector quantities include displacement, velocity, and force. Scalars are added algebraically, while vectors follow the rules of vector addition.

What you scolar quantities and vector quantities?

Scalar quantities are physical quantities that can be fully described by a single value or magnitude, such as mass or temperature, without direction. Vector quantities, on the other hand, require both magnitude and direction for complete description, such as displacement or velocity. Scalars can be added algebraically, while vectors require vector addition taking into account both magnitude and direction.

What quantity has a magnitude but no direction?


Diffrentiate between vector and scalar quantities?

Scalar quantities are defined as quantities that have only a mganitude. Vector quantities have magnitude and direction. Some example of this include Scalar Vector Mass Weight length Displacement Speed Velocity Energy Acceleration

Is duration of a flight a scalar or vector?

Scalars are quantities that are fully described by magnitude aloneVectors are quantities that are fully described by both magnitude and a direction.Duration of a flight is simply a magnitude and there is no direction so it is a scalar.

What is a vector described by?

A vector is described by its magnitude (size) and direction in space. This can be represented by an arrow with a specific length and orientation. Vectors are commonly used in mathematics, physics, and engineering to represent quantities that have both magnitude and direction.

What quantity is completely described by magnitude alone?

Scalar quantity is completely described by magnitude alone, without any direction. Examples include temperature, speed, and mass.