The category above species is genus. Species are grouped together based on shared characteristics into genera. Genera are then grouped together into families, which is the next category in the biological classification hierarchy.
The next-higher level is the domain. The next-lower level is the phylum; for plants, this is traditionally called division.
Multiply by 10
Yes, Hurricane Rita followed Katrina in 2005 and reached Category 5 status at one point, making it a very powerful storm. Rita affected areas in Louisiana and Texas, causing significant damage and further strain on resources and infrastructure already impacted by Katrina.
Only about ten percent of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next in an ecosystem. This is why the amount of animals in higher levels is smaller.
The next larger category is quintillions.
No. 'Next of kin' is a legal category. See related question link below.
Please.. Next time put it in the CORRECT category. Okay? This will not be answeredfrom me. Since it is NOT related to the category. And I will NOT change it.
The most popular topic would be the Uncategorized category, which has a whopping 11,817,405 questions as of October 18, 2014. The next most popular category is the Math and Arithmetic category with 1,400,706 questions. The third most popular category is the Celebrity Births Deaths and Ages category with 1,029,523 questions.
A true climber always climbs higher the next time.
A chicken that try's always climbs higher the next time
The category above species is genus. Species are grouped together based on shared characteristics into genera. Genera are then grouped together into families, which is the next category in the biological classification hierarchy.
You visit the category and on the right-hand side of the screen next to the facebook and twitter symbols there should be an orange button that says "Follow". Click on it to follow the category!When you are on the category page, if you look on The Blue Sidebar it says follow. Click that once, and you will receive updates on that category.
Different classes of organisms are grouped into the next larger category called "phylum" in taxonomy. This grouping is based on similarities in body plan and development.
Catholicism. Get your category and spelling right next time...
Yes, Wikianswers has a firearms category. Next time, before you ask a question about whether or not there is a certain category, check first. It can be as simple as browsing unanswered questions.