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Q: What is the particle for the symbol p plus?
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What is the symbol of the beta particle?

a slanted P that looks like a B but is thinner and has a longer "leg"

How do you make a puffle symbol on clubpenguin?

E plus P

What is the symbol of a b particle?

If you think to a beta particle the symbol is β.

What is the symbol charge for alpha particle?

e- is the symbol for an electron, aka a beta particle. It has a unit negative charge.

Why is the symbol of proton is p plus?

Because 'proton' starts with a 'p', and each proton carries one unit of positive charge.

Symbol and charge of alpha particle?

The symbol for an alpha particle is ( \alpha ), and its charge is ( +2e ), where ( e ) is the elementary charge ( 1.6 \times 10^{-19} ) coulombs.

A particle that has a mass of 1 and a charge of 1 plus is?

A proton is a particle that has a mass of 1 and a charge of 1 plus.

What particle does the symbol e represents?

The symbol "e" typically represents the elementary charge in physics, which is the magnitude of electric charge on a single proton or electron. Its value is approximately 1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs.

How do surface waves move rock particle?

, ,p,;p;

What does a - followed by a greater than symbol mean in a c plus plus program?

It is a type of pointer dereference operation. If you have a pointer p to an object that has methods or attributes, you can say (*p).m to refer to the m method of the object, or you can say p->m to do the exact same thing.

P is the symbol?

The symbol P typically represents the mathematical concept of a variable or parameter in algebraic equations, or can be used to represent probability in statistics. It can also stand for momentum in physics, pressure in fluid dynamics, or power in electrical engineering.

Simplify p plus p plus p plus p?

4 times p or 4p