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Q: What is the particle for the symbol p plus?
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What is the symbol of the beta particle?

a slanted P that looks like a B but is thinner and has a longer "leg"

How do you make a puffle symbol on clubpenguin?

E plus P

What is the symbol of a b particle?

If you think to a beta particle the symbol is β.

What is the symbol charge for alpha particle?

e- is the symbol for an electron, aka a beta particle. It has a unit negative charge.

Is nuclear symbol for helium the same symbol for a proton?

No, the nuclear symbol for helium is "He" and the symbol for a proton is "p". Helium has two protons in its nucleus, along with two neutrons.

Why is the symbol of proton is p plus?

Because 'proton' starts with a 'p', and each proton carries one unit of positive charge.

Symbol and charge of alpha particle?

The symbol for an alpha particle is ( \alpha ), and its charge is ( +2e ), where ( e ) is the elementary charge ( 1.6 \times 10^{-19} ) coulombs.

What is the symbole for phosphorus?

The symbol for phosphorus is P.

A particle that has a mass of 1 and a charge of 1 plus is?

A proton is a particle that has a mass of 1 and a charge of 1 plus.

How do surface waves move rock particle?

, ,p,;p;

What particle have mass of lamu?

The tau neutrino has mass and is denoted with the symbol μ.

What does a - followed by a greater than symbol mean in a c plus plus program?

It is a type of pointer dereference operation. If you have a pointer p to an object that has methods or attributes, you can say (*p).m to refer to the m method of the object, or you can say p->m to do the exact same thing.