When chalk is kept with lemon juice for 3 days, the acidic nature of the lemon juice can react with the calcium carbonate in the chalk. This reaction could potentially dissolve the chalk and cause it to break down or change in appearance.
A scientific term for "conclusion" could be "findings" or "results".
The term 'day' is used to describe the passage of 24 hours, or 86,400 seconds. Although 'day' is not an official SI unit, the scientific term to describe a day is 86,400 seconds.
this isnt scientific, but its called an object.
Where did the term chalk come from? from turkey
The scientific name of chalk dust is composed mainly of calcium carbonate, which is a mineral compound.
Calcium Carbonate Phickuntiatus (thats a combined scientific name of chalk and dust) hope it will help ^^, Viemer (II-SSC)
The "Izite Test" named after the german scientist "Gude Izite" allows one to tell the difference between marble and chalk.
The scientific term for plastics is polymers.
That is precisely the scientific term: "ellipse".
Hyperopia is the scientific term. The common term is far-sightedness.
the scientific term for hearing loss is presbycusis
Check your dictionary - ophthalmologist *is* a scientific term.
The scientific term for a low iron level is anemia!