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This value would represent the value for Power

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The area under the curve on a current vs. voltage graph represents the amount of electrical energy transferred. It indicates the work done in moving charge carriers through the circuit. This can be used to calculate power dissipation or energy consumption in the circuit.

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Q: What is the significance of the area under the curve on a current v voltage graph?
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How do you draw a momentum -time graph for force-time graph?

The momentum-time graph is the integral of the force-time graph. that is, it is the area under the curve of the f-t graph.The momentum-time graph is the integral of the force-time graph. that is, it is the area under the curve of the f-t graph.The momentum-time graph is the integral of the force-time graph. that is, it is the area under the curve of the f-t graph.The momentum-time graph is the integral of the force-time graph. that is, it is the area under the curve of the f-t graph.

What is the theory behind the V-I characteristics of incandescent lamp?

The V-I characteristics of an incandescent lamp follow Ohm's Law, which states that the current flowing through a conductor (in this case, the filament of the lamp) is directly proportional to the voltage applied across it. As the voltage increases, the current through the filament increases, causing it to heat up and emit light. The relationship is not perfectly linear due to the temperature-dependent resistance of the filament material.

How does the graph vary between voltage and current?

In an electrical circuit, the relationship between voltage and current is typically linear, following Ohm's Law (V = IR). This means that as voltage increases, current also increases proportionally, resulting in a straight line graph. The slope of the line is determined by the resistance in the circuit.

What property on a position-versus time graph represents speed?

The slope of the curve.

What are the differences between a Speed vs. Kinetic Energy Graph between a Mass vs. Kinetic Energy Graph?

Look at the equation for kinetic energy.It is clear that relation between mass and kinetic energy is linear (you would get a straight line on the graph), while the relation between speed and kinetic energy is quadratic (you would get a curve, specifically a parabola).

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Why is there a curve and not a straight line in the graph for a filament lamp?

The curve on the graph for a filament lamp is due to the relationship between current and voltage in the lamp. As the current passing through the filament increases, the resistance also increases, leading to a non-linear relationship between current and voltage. This results in a curve on the graph instead of a straight line.

What does the slope of voltage-current curve represent?

It depends. If voltage is drawn along the horizontal axis, then the slope at any point on the graph represents the reciprocal of resistance at that point. If current is drawn along the horizontal axis, then the slope at any point on the graph represents the resistance at that point.

Is there any similarity between the graphs plotted between voltage and current?

When you plot a graph of voltage against current, you can end up with a straight line or a curved line.If you have a straight line, then it shows that the change in current is directly proportional to the change in voltage and, so, the circuit is obeying Ohm's Law. If the graph is a curve, then the change in current is not proportional to the change in voltage and, so, the circuit is not obeying Ohm's Law.In the case of a straight-line graph, the gradient of the graph indicates the resistance of the circuit. The greater the gradient, the higher the circuit resistance.In the case of a curved-line graph, the gradient (i.e. the tangent) at each point along that curve will indicate the (changing) resistance at each of those points.

If your voltage vs distance graph is not linear what could have caused this result?

voltage= f(ln(r)) graph is linear and voltage vs distance is non linear because voltage changes with 1/r so the graph is with curve. we use ln because ln direct the graph.

How do you plot graph on forward and reverse diode bias?

You generally plot a graph of Voltage v/s Current (with voltage on Y axis and current on the X axis). The graph will not be a straight line.

How do you find resistance by a graph?

To find resistance from a graph of voltage vs. current, you can calculate the slope of the graph. Resistance is equal to the slope, so you can divide the voltage by the current to determine the resistance. The unit of resistance is ohms (Ω).

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Why is the graph of the non-ohmic conductor is curved in nature?

Ohmic (or 'linear') materials obey Ohm's Law. That is, their ratio of voltage to current remains constant for variations in voltage. Ohmic materials, therefore, produce a straight line graph when we plot current against variations in voltage;Non-ohmic (or 'non-linear') materials do not obey Ohm's Law. That is, their ratio of voltage to current variesfor variations in voltage. This means that non-ohmic materials produce a curved line graph when we plot current against variations in voltage.

Why power waveform is not symmetrical to X-Axis in R-L circuit?

Because power dissipated in rl circuit is given by p= 1/2(Li²)+ i²R which will give a curve and not a linear graph. Secondly the graph is a cosine curve ,with a phase difference between current and voltage. Hence the waveform is not symmetrical to x-axis .

How do you plot ohms law graph of potential difference versus current?

The current is represented by the horizontal (x) axis, and the potential difference is represented by the vertical (y) axis.If the resulting graph is a straight line, then it confirms that the circuit is obeying Ohm's Law. If the resulting graph is a curve, then the circuit does not obey Ohm's Law.The gradient at any point along of the resulting line represents the resistance of the load for that ratio of voltage to current.

Why the current-voltage graph for a diode is not a straight line?

The current-voltage graph for a diode is not a straight line because diodes have a nonlinear voltage-current relationship, characterized by an exponential increase in current with voltage once a certain voltage threshold (known as the forward voltage drop) is exceeded. This behavior arises from the physics of semiconductor materials and the diode's ability to allow current to flow in one direction only.

What is the zener region?

The zener region describes the area on the performance curve (a graph of voltage across versus current through the junction) of a zener diode. The diode acts like a "regular" diode in the forward biased direction. When some 0.7 volts or so is reached, forward current begins to climb rapidly as voltage is increased (for silicon diodes.) But in the reverse direction recall that as the diode is reverse biased, a small amount of current will flow (because of minority carriers). This "trickle" of current will continue until the "zener voltage" is reached, and then the diode will begin to conduct heavily. On the graph, this is the zener region. Zener diodes can be made to breakdown at a specific voltage, and their ability to conduct reverse current can be increased by manufacturing a larger diode. That means there are a range of voltages and wattages of zener diodes available. Wikipedia has more information and that graph. Use the link provided to get there.