The atlas moth is the widest moth in the world. Its wing span can reach up to a foot across.
No information can be found on which caterpillar is the smallest because they can vary in size so greatly. Most caterpillars are almost too small to see with the naked eye when they hatch, and they grow as the eat more.
The Yucca plant and yucca moth have a mutualistic relationship where the moth pollinates the plant and lays its eggs in the plant's ovaries. This relationship benefits both species as the plant receives pollination while the moth's larvae feed on some of the plant's seeds. However, this relationship can also have disadvantages, such as potential damage to the plant's seeds and the possibility of the moth overpopulating and harming the plant population.
Good question.The Gypsy Moth was a type of moth that is common to England. The de Havilland DH 60 was first called simply as a "Moth". Maybe it was named this because its wings could be folded alongside the fuselage.In 1928 when the new de Havilland Gipsy I engine was installed did the airplane become the "Gypsy Moth".Actually, the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, has never been a common moth in England. It isn't clear to me if this question is about the moth or the airplane...
Australia is the smallest continent.
The smallest planet is MercuryMercury
PROTOPHYTA Moth . There is not much info. available about this variety of moth.
The smallest part in A Midsummer Night's Dream is the character of Moth, who appears in Act 5, Scene 1 as a fairy attending the fairy king Oberon. Despite being a minor character, Moth contributes to the magical atmosphere of the play.
The bee humming bird lays the smallest egg at half a gram, and the ostrich lays the biggest at 3.3lbs. The animal that lays the smallest eggs are insects but when referring to vertebrates the animal that lays the smallest egg is the hummingbird.
The smallest moth in the world is the Nepticulid moths which have a 0.1 inch wing span, and the largest moth in the world is the Hercules moth, which has a wingspan of 10.5 inches. Other South American moths, like the Great Owlet moth and the Giant Atlas moth can reach wingspans of 12-18 inches. For more information, check the related links.
The moth you have found is a Luna moth.
If this is a joke the answer is if the moth fairy is a moth the moth would follow the light queen.
No, the largest is the Atlas moth
The moth being identified is the Luna moth.
A 'moth' is a 'polilla'.
mother moth
The plural of moth is mothi.
it was a moth ball it was a moth ball it was a moth ball it was a moth ball it was a moth ball