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The Dwarf Sperm Whale is the smallest species commonly known as a whale. It grows up to nine (9) feet in length and 551 pounds in weight- making it smaller than the bigger dolphins.

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6y ago
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7mo ago

The smallest whale is the dwarf sperm whale, measuring around 8.5 feet long, while the largest whale is the blue whale, which can reach lengths of up to 100 feet.

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13y ago

Killer Whale,sperm whale,fin whale,minke whale,humpback whale,sei whale,right whale,blue whale

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13y ago

The Dwarf Sperm Whale is the smallest species commonly known as a whale. It grows up to nine (9) feet in length and 551 pounds in weight- making it smaller than the bigger dolphins.

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15y ago

The fin whale.

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The world's largest dolphin is the Orca Whale which grows to be 20-26 feet long. The world's smallest dolphin is called the Hector's Dolphin which can grow up to only 152 centimeters or smaller.

What size does a whale grow up to be?

This varies from species to species of whale. Here are examples of the smallest and largest whale. The largest whale which is blue whale can weigh as much as 200 tons. The smaller whale weighs only 400-600 pounds which is a dwarf sperm whale.

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