There are many variables...especially when trying to decide what the "average" plane is.
1 knot = approximately 1.15 M.P.H. e.g. 100 knots = 115 m.p.h.
Average (Typical Cruising) Speeds:
Light Single Engine piston powered airplane - 110-130 knots.
Light Single Engine Turbine Powered Airplane - 150-180 knots.
Light Twin Piston - 180-200 knots
Heavy Twin Piston - 200-250 knots
Twin Turboprop - 250-300 knots
Turbine (pure-jet) Powered Jetliner or Corporate Jet - 450 - 500 Knots
Rocket Powered e.g. STS / Space Shuttle - 15,300 knots (It's also the fastest glider.)
The speeds vary greatly between models. For example, some single engine pistons can't exceed 100 knots but another model / design can exceed 200 knots.
The plane's airspeed is the sum of its speed relative to the air and the speed of the jet stream. To calculate the plane's airspeed when traveling with the jet stream, we can subtract the jet stream speed from 1150 miles divided by 5 hours. This gives an airspeed of 230 miles per hour.
The speed of the jet stream is 110 mph (550 miles / 5 hours). In 5 hours, the plane covers 400 miles (80 mph x 5 hours). In 4 hours, the plane covers 320 miles (80 mph x 4 hours), but it actually covers 550 miles less due to the effect of the jet stream. So, the total distance traveled by the plane in 9 hours would be 720 miles (400 miles + 320 miles).
Flying with the jet stream, the plane's speed is its own speed plus the jet stream speed, totaling 80mph more than its usual speed. So, when it travels for 5 hours, it covers 5 hours x (its speed + 80mph). After leaving the jet stream, it flies at its own speed, without the jet stream speed. For the next 4 hours, it covers 4 hours x its speed. The total distance traveled during the entire trip is the sum of these two distances.
This question really depends on what type of plane you mean, I will answer Commercial planes for everyday peopleThe speed of light is approximately 186,000 miles a second or 669600000 mph / 299,792,458 meters per second.A commercial plane like a 747 passenger plane that you might use to go on holiday travels at around 800mph. (top speed)669600000mph (speed of light) - 800mph (average plane speed) = 669599200.The speed light is roughly 669599200MPH faster.According to relativity, the speed of light is precisely the speed of light faster than a plane, to the observers in the plane. The above answer is only correct for an outside observer in a particular reference frame.
The calculated speed of 62 m/s is equivalent to approximately 139 miles per hour.
The plane's airspeed is the sum of its speed relative to the air and the speed of the jet stream. To calculate the plane's airspeed when traveling with the jet stream, we can subtract the jet stream speed from 1150 miles divided by 5 hours. This gives an airspeed of 230 miles per hour.
The average speed of a jet plane is about 900 kilometers per hour. However, this is usually measured in knots which refers to nautical miles and this translates to about 500 knots.
The fastest jet ever flown flew at a little over March 3.
Apart from the fact that a jet plane would stall at that low a speed, the speed is equivalent to 36.657 metres per sec
A piper cub can cover 500 miles in the same amount of time it takes a jet plane flying 250 miles per hour faster to cover 1500 miles. The jet plane flying 375 mph.
It depends on weight, wing span stall speed
About 550 Miles per hour.
The Harrier jet can travel at up to 689 miles per hour.
The speed is exactly 7,200 km per 9 hours. In other, more familiar units: -- 800 km per hour -- 497.1 miles per hour (rounded)
The x-15 fly-by at 4520 MPH is the fastest jet in the world. A private jet has a speed of around 600 miles per hour and a commercial jet comes in at 500 miles per hour.
The speed of the jet stream is 110 mph (550 miles / 5 hours). In 5 hours, the plane covers 400 miles (80 mph x 5 hours). In 4 hours, the plane covers 320 miles (80 mph x 4 hours), but it actually covers 550 miles less due to the effect of the jet stream. So, the total distance traveled by the plane in 9 hours would be 720 miles (400 miles + 320 miles).