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900 km per hr

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The speed of a tsunami can be calculated using the formula: speed = wavelength / period. In this case, the speed would be 225 km / 15 min = 15 km/min.

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Q: What is the speed of a tsunami with a wavelength of 225 kilometers and a period of 15 minutes?
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What is the time taken to complete a wavelength called?


How long did the tsunami in japan last?

The 2011 tsunami in Japan lasted for several hours, with waves continuing to cause damage and destruction for an extended period. The initial impact was swift, but the aftermath required ongoing rescue, recovery, and rebuilding efforts.

How do you calculate the period of a moving wave given lambda and time?

The period of a wave can be calculated by dividing the speed of the wave by the wavelength. The equation is: Period = wavelength / wave speed. Given the wavelength and the time, you would first need to calculate the wave speed using the formula speed = wavelength / period, and then solve for the period using the formula period = wavelength / wave speed.

What is the wavelength of a signal that travels in air with a period equals .0000025 sec What is the signal's frequency?

To find the wavelength, we can use the formula: wavelength = speed of light / frequency. The speed of light in air is approximately 299,792,458 m/s. So, wavelength = 299792458 m/s / frequency. Given the period is 0.0000025 sec, the frequency is 1 / period = 1 / 0.0000025 = 400,000 Hz. Therefore, the wavelength = 299792458 / 400000 ≈ 749.48 meters.

How is the velocity of a periodic wave related to its frequency and wavelength?

The period is defined as: the time needed to complete one cycle.Frequency is the number of cycles per second .that's where the relation came from ...the mathematics representation of the relation is : frequency = 1/period orperiod = 1/frequency .hope u got it.

Related questions

What is the velocity of a tsunami with a wavelength of 125 miles and a period of 15 minutes?

velocity=500 miles per hour

What was the frequency period amplitude wave speed wavelength of 1960 tsunami?


What is the formula for period using wavelength and speed?

Period = wavelength/speed

What is maximum wavelength in the spectrum?

The maximum wavelength in the spectrum corresponds to radio waves, which have the longest wavelengths ranging from about 1 millimeter to 100 kilometers.

How does wave speed relate to wavelength and period?

Wave speed is dependent on both wavelength and period. The relationship is described by the formula: wave speed = wavelength / period. As wavelength increases, wave speed also increases. Conversely, as period increases, wave speed decreases.

What is the Frequency or Period of the 2005 Tsunami?

the frequncy of the 2005 tsunami was 1,403 hz

How do wavelength and periods relate?

Wavelength*Frequency = Velocity of the wave. or Wavelength/Period = Velocity of the wave.

What would the velocity of a deepwater wave be with a wavelength of 50 meter in a period of 6.5 second?

"A tsunami, also called seismic sea wave or tidal wave, is a catastrophic ocean wave, usually caused by a submarine earthquake occurring less than 50 km (30 miles) beneath the seafloor, with a magnitude greater than 6.5 on the Richter scale. Underwater or coastal landslides or volcanic eruptions also may cause a tsunami. The term tidal wave is more frequently used for such a wave, but it is a misnomer, for the wave has no connection with the tides. A tsunami can have a wavelength in excess of 100 km and period on the order of one hour. Because it has such a long wavelength, a tsunami is a shallow-water wave. Shallow-water waves move with a speed equal to the square root of the product of the acceleration of gravity and the water depth."Problem:In the Pacific Ocean the typical water depth is about 4000 m. What is the speed of a tsunami with a wavelength of 50 km. Solution: 50km is much larger than 8000m = 8km. We have a shallow-water wave.

How do you find wave period with wavelength and wave speed?

Wave period can be found by dividing the wavelength by the wave speed. The formula is: Period = Wavelength / Wave Speed. The period represents the time it takes for one wave cycle to pass a given point.

What is the relationship between wavelength and period?

Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points in a wave that are in phase, while period is the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to occur. The relationship between wavelength and period is described by the wave speed equation: wave speed = wavelength / period. This means that as wavelength increases, period also increases, and vice versa.

What does dividing the wavelength by the wave period give you?

Wavelength is the distance between two successive crests or troughs in a wave. And time period is the time taken for the disturbance to move from one crest to the successive one. So wavelength/ wave period (time period) = speed of the wave.

How wavelength and wave period can be used to calculate wave speed?

Just divide the wavelength by the wave period, and you've got the wave speed.