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Son Goku is the strongest person in all of the DragonBall universe at the very end. He is stronger that Enma, the Kaioshins, all of them.

no hes not shenron omega is the best character he can defeat all

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9mo ago

Goku in his Ultra Instinct form is considered one of the strongest characters in Dragon Ball Z due to his ability to instinctively react to attacks without thinking. Other contenders for the title of strongest character include characters like Beerus and Whis.

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13y ago

According to the DragonBallZ series, excluding GT. Gohan is the strongest. As stated by the Elder Kai, Mystic Gohan form was stronger then Goku as a Super Saiyan 3, Goku's maximum level in the DragonBallZ series.

Sorry sir hahah that's not true he said mystic gohan could be stronger than goku but i don't believ that because when goku was showing kid trunks and goten ss3 he said that theres a deeper unbearable power that you tap into but the way akira toriyama made the whole atmosphere around tht quote showed that that had more weight to it then elder Kai just saying gohan could be stronger than a ss3

The Strongest Form ever possible in Dragon Ball is Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta and his 100X Kamehameha!

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13y ago

The strongest is vegeto because he is vused with goku and vegeta and their probarly the strongest unfused characters . most of you say it is ssj 4 gogeta butthat is wrong because he first apeerd in dragonball gt

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13y ago

Mystic gohan.

Vegito is a combination of Goku and Vegeta which is 2 characters.

Buu absorbed all of his victims to get stronger so he has more than one person in him which also doesent count.

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14y ago

Goku is considered the strongest as the series is based heavily off of his life. The argument can be made that his first born child Gohan is the strongest, but this is only proved in the Cell Saga. As Gohan was the first to reach the level of SS2 and defeat Cell. But this theory is proven wrong when Goku had defeated Buu when Gohan could not. Yes Goku needed the help of everyone on the planet Earth to use his ultimate technique The Spirit Bomb, but it was him who dealt the final blow, and it was ONLY Goku that had achieved the ability to achieve the ability to become a SS3. So the argument can be made that Gohan is the strongest, but it is proven time and time again with all of the enemies being defeated by Goku.

That is true but also you could see from goku's actions that he was not trying hard all that training was since goku saw his son's hidden ability and he wanted that to be shown and unlocked so he gave gohan a chance also if you watched every single episode (i did) you would see that vegeta says to goku you're a ss3 you should be able to generate enough power to defeat him (reffering to kid boo) and goku says yes i could maybe when i was fresh i just wanted to give you your chance to fight. Also all saiyans have a power supply that is endless when goku turned into a ss3 to show goten and trunks he said that so I would be leaning towards goku and lesser towards gohan lastly because goku is the bomb!

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13y ago

Gogeto SSJ5 the potara or fusion of vegito and gogeta super saiyan 5

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its probably gohan, he hasn't fused with anybody its his own spirit, but it doesnt mean hes the strongest overall. your welcome

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well there is a game that you can create a character but if you mean platforms like wii and stuff then go to google and type in create a dbz character

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