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Q: What is the strongest class in zenonia 3?
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Where can you find mithril in Zenonia 3?

Red crystals

When did Zenonia happen?

Zenonia happened in 2008.

How should you build stats for the characters in zenonia 3?

Save your current game and stop playing Zenonia 3. Then go to the folder where the save file is stored ("C://Program Files/Zen3/Save/"). Copy it to your desktop. Uninstall Zenonia 3 and install Zenonia 2: A masters passage to the Happy Dragon. Copy the save file to the "C://Program Files/Zen2/Save/" folder. Start the game, your stats for Gquint should be sky high (Gquint is a hidden character). Export the character's stats using Notepad++ and import in Zenonia 3.

When was Zenonia created?

Zenonia was created on 2008-08-28.

When does zenonia 2 release?

Zenonia 2 has already come out in the App Store... So go and get it! Zenonia 2 was released March 29, 2010.

How do you change modes in zenonia 3?

I have beat the game and it transfers you to hard mode when your done.

How do you complete the quest small hope zenonia 3?

how to finish smal l hope

Where can you buy a pickaxe in zenonia 3?

you can buy a pickaxe at maru tribe shops at any village