Without a doubt it would be a poured concrete foundation with lots of re-bar
The strongest foundation typically consists of reinforced concrete footings and a concrete slab. This provides a stable base for the structure, ensuring it can support the weight and withstand various environmental conditions. The specific design and size of the foundation will depend on the building's requirements and local building codes.
Strongest = validissimus There are several possible choices for strongest -the context is all-important.
Diamond is considered the strongest mineral because of its hardness on the Mohs scale, which is a 10 out of 10. This means that it is extremely resistant to scratching or abrasion.
bloom is the strongest
Which sentence sounds the strongest?
She was the strongest person I had ever met, both physically and emotionally.
The strongest part of a bridge is typically the foundation or base, as it supports the weight of the entire structure. In some cases, the trusses or beams of the bridge may also contribute to its overall strength.
F5 is the strongest category of tornado which rates tornadoes from F0 to F5 based on damage. An F5 tornado can sweep a house clean off its foundation.
Strongest = validissimus There are several possible choices for strongest -the context is all-important.
The strongest Pokemon is Lugia. It's the strongest, the rarest is Celebi.
The strongest part of your body is typically considered to be your legs. They contribute to your overall physical strength by providing the foundation for movement, supporting your body weight, and generating power for activities like walking, running, and lifting objects. Strong legs also help improve balance, stability, and overall athletic performance.
The femur bone is the strongest.
Yes, Euoplocephalus is the strongest.
triangle is the strongest polygon
Static is the strongest
Beyonder Is the strongest marvel character
The Strongest ultraman is Ultraman king And Ultraman Zero